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University Store

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When you shop at the University Store 100% of your purchases benefit Oklahoma State University and its students. The University Store is owned and operated by Oklahoma State University, and every purchase made in the University Store stays on campus to fund student programs and services, keeping student fees to a minimum.

Live Orange.

Shop OKState.

The official online store of Oklahoma State University is the ultimate shopping destination for Cowboy fans near and far. 

Last Day for Textbook Refunds

The last day for full textbook refunds at the University Store during the spring semester is Monday, January 27. Please note, an original receipt is required for all textbook refunds.

Buy Your Books

In store or online? New or used? The University Store makes shopping for your textbooks easy!

Custom Doctoral Regalia Fittings

Custom Doctoral Regalia Fittings will be held in 050 Student Union Tuesday, February 11 | 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. &
Wednesday, February 12 | 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

New Locations!

Check out our two new locations at Boone Pickens Stadium! 

We're Hiring!

Part-time Student Employees




Student Union and University Store Combination Logo